 a collaborative 
effort with:                         
      Re Delaney
An impossible task without the support from our community, but an extended special thank you to:

   Max Ryan, Onyx Raia, Nick Ortoleva, Kay Ehwa, Megan Ross, Lina Soto, Ethan Roy, Dana Moser, Nita Sturiale & Max Azanow,

... was a shared meal; A gathering of those who care for the sake of  care, as documented by what was and was not left behind.

  For their piece, Residue, the duo set out to examine practices of emotionally fulfilling labor and ways to document labor that highlight the human experience behind it. The dynamic and entirely organic composition of each plate invites the viewer to imagine the dinner that took place. Each plate is a window into the individual experience of one person around the dinner table.

After the meal concluded, each plate was photographed, then later had the plate digitally removed from the background.  Afterwards, the render was printed on transparent acetate and placed over a graphite drawing of the same plate.



    Preparing, sourcing, and delivering a meal for 70 people who are apart of a community who will have forever changed the path of my life was an act of tedious, intensive, and expensive labor. However so, Residue, proved to me that not everything that is difficult is bad; in fact most times results in the most fulfilling feeling possible