The Studio
    For                                   Interrelated               Media’s:

    Each fall, the Studio for the Interrelated Media produces the SIM BIG Show, a night of performances, installations, interactive art, along with 2D and 3D artwork. The show is performed, created, and curated entirely by the students in SIM.
After BIG Show’s untimely death in FA22 (The End of BIG Show), We as students found it necessary to celebrate the creation of life in the form of The ReBirthday Party.

    Presented on Novemember 16th, 2023, The ReBirthday Party set to unify our major and our school in a colorful, eletric showcase full of live music, performance and lots of fucking cake.


Six People Attend My Party:
                 Ev Page
My Confessional...
           Bentonio Ryne Soja
    Rosa Doherty

The Human Soundboard:
      Sora Andromeda

Shit Man, Everything:
   Landon Roberts San Galel (ft. Zac Rea & Swirvin)

   G Williams

hpppy brthdy mr przidnt:
             River Evie Heckman

The Ground:
     Roaches All the Way Up!
        Kathryn Day
        Xavier L’italien
        Aidy Gardner
        Sam Williams &
        Zac Rea

The Duel of the Doot Doots:
              Swirvin & Zac Rea

Sorry for Party Rocking:
                     Dr. Rock

Is It Pressure?:
        Nandana Venkatesan
        Adine Raboy
        Genesis Lara
        Veronica Labanca

    Mollie Guac

Nourish Me Through You:
              Sophia Kasparian


Lead Producers
    Bentonio Ryne Soja 
    Kay Ehwa 
    Hannah Zahr 
    Milena Mousli

Creative Directors 
    Veronica Labanca 
    Emmy Kelley

Live Show Producers
    Owen Greenfield 
    Megan Ross
    Andrew Vincent  
    Michael Curvin 
    Ilias Neimi

Heads of Graphic Design 
    Emmy Kelley 
    Veronica Labanca

Graphic Designers 
    Genesis Lara 
    Landon Roberts 
    Natalie Elodie Hornedo 
    Melvin Rosario Fernandez 
    Tianna Alvarez 
    Yssa Boma

Head of Props & Fabrication 
    Hannah Zahr

Photo Documentation Lead 
    Bentonio Ryne Soja

Photo Documentation Team 

    Jeffrey Young 
    Genesis Lara 
    Leo Duque 
    Yssa Boma

Video Documentation Lead 
    Kay Ehwa

Video Documentation Team 
    Leo Duque 
    Yssa Boma 
    Robin Sielicki 
    Divina Cordeiro

Live Stream Coordinators
    Eric Freeman 
    Kay Ehwa

Lighting Designer 
    Megan Ross

Lighting Assistants 
    Robin Sielicki 
    Natalie Elodie Hornedo

Audio Engineer
    Owen Greenfield

Audio Assistant 
    Ilias Neimi

Video Projection Engineer
    Andrew Vincent

Video Projection Assistants 
    Matt McCorkindale 
    Kay Ehwa

Stage Manager 
    Ash McMullen

Stage Assistants 
    Andy Tran 
    Veronica Labanca

Stage Hands 
    Emmy Kelley 
    Anadia Osorio 
    Milena Mousli 
    Amanda McCluskey

    Kay Ehwa 
    Nandana Venkatesan