VideoStore officially opened in Godine Gallery January 19th. Customers were able to check out and view student video, audio, and printed works, a selection of titles from the 80s to early 2000s in VHS, Cassette, and CD. The store was fully staffed with a cast of employees during open hours every business day, who each developed their own characters, storylines, and interpersonal relationships. As the two weeks the store was opened progressed, props, tvs, and employees around the store changed to reflect the narrative unfolding within the store. VideoStore closed its doors on February 2nd, after a closing reception where guests were invited to solve the final mystery of what happened to the employees of VideoStore.
To The Left:
Portion of the VideoStore employees.
Pictured from left to right: Andrew Vincent, Amanda McCulsky, Kyra Stupik, Rosa Dorhety, Emmy Kelley, Genesis Lara, Owen Greenfield, Onyx Raia, Kay Ewha, Megan Ross.
See: VideoStore Polaroids for candid documentation of the VideoStore staff.
Creative Directors:
Kay Ehwa
Megan Ross
Emmy Kelley
Genesis Lara
Kay Ehwa
Kyra Stupik
Megan Ross
Onyx Raia
Owen Greenfield
Sound Design:
Owen Greenfield
Lighting Design:
Onyx Raia
Install Team:
Adine Raboy
Ash McMullen
Betsy O'Reilly
Emmy Kelley
Hannah Richo
Kay Ehwa
Isabella Febbrorielle
Kyra Stupik
Max Ryan
Megan Ross
Michael J. Curvin
Nandana Venkatesan
Onyx Raia
Owen Greenfield
Sound Design:
Amanda McCluskey
Andrew Vincent
Emily Canales
Emmy Kelley
Genesis Lara
Hannah Richo
Isabella Febbrorielle
Kyra Stupik
Robin Sielicki
Michael J. Curvin
Onyx Raia
Owen Greenfield
Rosa Doherty
Yssa Boma
Graphic Design:
Emmy Kelley
Genesis Lara
Kay Ehwa
Megan Ross
Owen Greenfield
Tori Rego
Faculty Support:
Ellen Adams
Eric Freeman
Max Azanow
Nita Sturiale a concept fueled by nostalgia. The video store itself was ubiquitous staple of American media consumption for the better part of two decades, and though now a reminder of a bygone era, it exists in a place of childhood wonder for some, of teenage exploration of new worlds and interests for others, or a place to argue over this weeks choice for family movie night ... Ultimately, VideoStore showed us how excited people working together towards one goal can completely change the reality of a space, transforming the Godine gallery into a 1980s video rental store, before disappearing entirely”
Abdullah Adisa
Adine Raboy
Aiden Dutton
Ali Senior
Ana Frushell
Andrew Vincent
Ava (Yikun) Xu
Becca Shusterman
Betsy O'Reily
Cailin MacDonald
Charlie De Koster
Colomba Klenner
Dan Miaskiewicz
Dante Vukotic-Ferri
Erin Buckley Max Ryan Nicole Cilley Sam Shea
Ethan Roy Megan Catton Onyx Raia Sarah Harris
Evey Wilson Michael J Curvin Patrick Brennan Sebastian Anderson
Gayle Kincaid Dylan Kirchthurn Raimi Sky Faro
Genie McDonough Eddie Lujares Jr. Re Delaney Sophia Kasparian
Gerline Fourie Emmy Kelley Richie Dilliard SPitZ
Hadley O'Connor Erielle Amboy River Heckman Taylor Bissette
Jules Grande Michael Jasper Rose Moon Longo Tim Ochola
Lucas Pavao Morgan Joaquim Sabrina Coffman Vincent Lagrant
Mack. Nathan Shreve Sam Cohen Vivienne Wychorski
I was interested in designing monster sounds that were really indiscernible and cosmic for VideoStore. With a gallery as stimulating and full as VideoStore I knew I had to approach the sound design in ways where it could really stick out and break the visual attention the viewers were having in order to achieve short bursts of shock and intrigue to the Manager's Office, which was the centerpiece of the gallery.
The monster’s sonic identity was initially built off of using pre-recorded growls, noises, screams, and other harsh sounds which were then heavily processed to sound increasingly distant to any tangible origin. These sounds ranged from sharp and scary to light and angelic. To bring a grounding element to the monster’s voice created a modular synthesis patch on a KORG Arp 2600 which introduced the ‘blips and boops’ to the space. Using a synth as old as the Arp allowed me to play into the retro aesthetics the space offered.
In addition to the main speakers, little sonic elements were scattered around the gallery to make the space even more believable. The desk in the manager's office was outfitted with an array of contact speakers; speakers which take advantage of hollow and resonant objects (like the desk) to amplify the sound. The speakers were embedded inside the drawers allowing the desk to resonate without the speakers being visible, adding another level of depth to the space.
Be Kind. Rewind.